If you are an artist or someone who likes art, you must have already know about this product. Prismacolor Colored Pencils is one of the most popular colored pencil for an artist. This Colored Pencils also has been chosen for one of favorite brand for professional artist beside Faber Castell Polychromos, Darwent, and etc.  Each colored pencil features a thick, soft core made from brilliant, light-resistant pigments, to ensure smooth, rich laydown and color saturation. But not all of us know that PrismaColor has many kind of type. But whats the different between each type of Prismacolor Colored pencil? Lets see...

1. Premier Soft Core 
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         With the motto Explore your soft side, Prismacolor Premier Soft Core sure has the soft cores that make them so good for blending. This pencils also break-resistant and waterproof. The softness make you easy to use for soft spot and perfect for any project. The high quality pigments turn out a rich color saturation when you use it. Because of the soft leads that easy to blend and for the high quality of pigment color, they make enough sure that your drawing will turn out realistic. 
Available color sets: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 96, 132, 150.

2. Premier Verithin
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         Get Lost in Details. Yes. This type of Prismacolor Color Pencil is perfect for details work. with hard and thin cores can be sharpened to a fine point and reducing the risk of errors. Perfect for making check marks or accounting ledger entries. The brilliant colors will not smear, even when wet.
 Available Color sets: 12, 24, 36.

3. Premier WaterColor

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          This Color Pencil can be use for make translucent and watercolor effect. To make the watercolor effect, use water and a brush, brush it on the colored area used Prismacolor Watercolor pencils.
 Available color sets: 12, 24, 36.

           So guys, thats all about Prismacolor Premier types. What make the different of each type is about the softness and the hardness of its core. I really recommend this product because it has a really rich and high quality colors. 

(If you have any question you can ask in the comment below and if you interest of another info about any art product, stay tuned to this blog.)

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